
To all my fellow Americans

First off, don't even try to make me feel guilty because it's my daughter that has to post in order for you to know anything about us. I know how much everyone wants to know and see about things that are going on in our lives and I can say that because of how much I love reading everyone else's. However, I need help! I seriously don't know where you all get time to do the blog thing so could you please give me some pointers on how I can keep an updated blog? Time is so precious to me and I just haven't been able to keep this up and all the other mom/wife responsibilities that I have. No, I don't need a pity party, I just need some advice. So, let the good times roll! Love to all xoxoxox


Leah S. said...

"cornholios?" I love it. I'm not going to answer your question, because 1) I'm not a busy mom, 2) I have a job and can update my blog from here, 3) I just wanted to comment on the "cornholios." I loved it, made me laugh.

Brett said...

I'm not a mom either but I know that Stacey's in the same kind of boat, although 2 kids are easier than 5. I think it's important to remember that it's like an elephant. You have to post a little bit at a time. Then it's easy. Don't try and post about everything that's happened since the last post. Just a simple picture and story will do. It takes a few minutes is all.

Jodi said...

Did you just call me a "cornholio"? I don't know if I should be upset or not - is that a good thing??
I just wanted to say - I treat my blog like a family journal - with pictures and events that, for the most part, would go unwritten or undocumented if I didn't blog. My inspriation is a girlfriend that prints her blog into a book at the end of every year - they are beautiful and her children love looking at them and remembering the things they were able to do in past year. I am in the process of getting my first year of blogging ready to print...I am SO excited to get it back!!
I didn't post my comment to make you feel guilty, I really just enjoy seeing what's going on with you and keeping updated on your lives.
I usually do my posting right after the kids go to bed or right after they leave for shcool - it takes me less than 5 minutes - closer to 10 if I add pictures, etc.. so it's pretty quick! Doeload Google Chrome and your pictures will upload MUCH faster!
I LOVE YOU ALL!! Even if you called me a Cornholio!!!

Rebekah said...

I post when I feel like it. If you notice I haven't made a post for quite a while myself. I have more important things to do then share my life with the world all the time.

The Knight's said...

no pressure..pahleese...if people really wanted to know how you and your family were, they would get off the computer and call you!! enough of facebook, blogs, and texting. we are not communicating anymore people...lets twalk to eachother! love you and miss you!

gramelinda said...

I think that blogging is great for me to read....and for you to later treasure as a journal of sorts! No one can accuse me of not communicating on the phone....and who said cornholios? (Other than jen of norm?) Love you...and NEVeR FEEL GUILTY! xoxoxo

Leah S. said...

ha, ha, I just noticed you edited your post. You took out cornholios. You funny girl, that was the best part.
Miss you, love you, sorry you won't be with us for our girls weekend. I'll take lots of pictures for you to see.

The Bundy Family said...

Hey Lindy, I peeked from Alicia and Adam Gilbert's blog. I saw this post and wanted to add something. I read and agree with what "The Knight's" said, but I also agree with Jodi. I use mine as a journal and post as soon as it happens, it takes me 5-8 quick minutes and then I don't have to worry about it. Plus, my oldest son and daughter are always caught looking in on their own family happenings, not to mention that I have NO family that lives close by, all in Utah. So I do get the guilt trips majorly from them. BUt I, like Jodi, print off a book at the end of the year and don't have to worry about how behind I am on my scrapping. I do understand the busy crazy schedules and demands of our children. Good Luck, one memory at a time. You are a great mom...I just know it.
p.s. I just love how spunky your are. It radiates!
Lisa Bundy